Tuesday, December 30, 2008

time to get down and dirty!

well hello to you just invite yourself in why don't you (L).

now good news i got 93 woodcutting, yes amazing right!


i also have gone to the liberty to purchase saradomin armour (f2P rune), i've nearly lost the helm twice, luckyily i take friends while i train. i have to thank marsial law and savenger. these two pal;s saved my helmet for extinction! but i have to say R.I.P. air runecrafting gloves :'(. ok tears aside :) here is a view of the sexxy new set up.


please remove that stain from your pants ASAP!


also i have been training my defence, as it was embarrasing compared to my strength and attack, so i've decided that ill get it too lvl lvl 70 and then get 75 attack. but doing this has left my woodcutting projects to a grusome halt! but dont frit i shall get into it after 70 defence, ill get 2k yews sell them and then kill some chickens for more feathers, the reason im not blowing my money is because i'm poor with only 1mil remaining in my account. also on this topic i'd also like to say R.I.P. Rune (g) set u were my rock i loved you i moved on im sorry (L)

lolz im on 67 defence atm with 12k to go so ill have 68 tonight :) but 69 i dont know aye!

well thats it for now catch ya!

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