Tuesday, December 30, 2008

time to get down and dirty!

well hello to you just invite yourself in why don't you (L).

now good news i got 93 woodcutting, yes amazing right!


i also have gone to the liberty to purchase saradomin armour (f2P rune), i've nearly lost the helm twice, luckyily i take friends while i train. i have to thank marsial law and savenger. these two pal;s saved my helmet for extinction! but i have to say R.I.P. air runecrafting gloves :'(. ok tears aside :) here is a view of the sexxy new set up.


please remove that stain from your pants ASAP!


also i have been training my defence, as it was embarrasing compared to my strength and attack, so i've decided that ill get it too lvl lvl 70 and then get 75 attack. but doing this has left my woodcutting projects to a grusome halt! but dont frit i shall get into it after 70 defence, ill get 2k yews sell them and then kill some chickens for more feathers, the reason im not blowing my money is because i'm poor with only 1mil remaining in my account. also on this topic i'd also like to say R.I.P. Rune (g) set u were my rock i loved you i moved on im sorry (L)

lolz im on 67 defence atm with 12k to go so ill have 68 tonight :) but 69 i dont know aye!

well thats it for now catch ya!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Oh half way there!

wellll i got 92 woodcutting which is better known as HALF WAY!!!!


also i m goin to state that in blessings i think it is becoming more P2P dominated, as im one of the only F2P members active, thsi is annoying as i am always left out oif event with the clan, though yes there is more exciting mini games in P2P, but talk of scraping the weekly F2P event, which seems to be the only event that i m in the chat dormant. but only to be meet by tiz. this leads us to join other clans at the arena which can at times be difficult. but if the weekly F2P event is scraped i see no point in staying around!

well thats my thoughts for now.
till a later date.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ups and definate downs!


big day today!

the long and antisipated 90 wc has been achieved


also the epic failure of jages has once again showed itself, they decide to mute me for saying to a guy that he iss a idiot as he kept calling me a noob and was making jokes at me, so i get a 1 day mute! this has once again pissed me off, if i got muted he should have too. doesnt makes scence, i cant appeal yet but i surely will if i can.

also got 27 crafting, 49 mining, and have decided that ill be using all lamps/books on prayer!

stay tuned for jagexs next slip up!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

JaG - Failure - Ex

well i logg on this mornining right! to find i have 2 new jagex emails. wondering why i have these things? and it turns out i was breaking rule 13! asking for personal detail off another player? this is utter bull shit (mind my language im still pissed off) heres a pic of it....


any ways woodcutting is going swimmingly! just hit 27k willows and 88 lvl!

no pics for the lvls sorry! when i hit 90 above i will be sure to show u guys it :]. and im starting to get a hand for crafting as i can now cut saphires so when i get that annoying old man give me a box, i cant just cut it and bank it! also i let my cousin play on my account yesterday. for reasons of ranging (those who know me know i hate that kill to death!). but will wc'in im using a calculator to help me acknowledge how much i have to do till that cape is mine!

link: http://www.runehq.com/guide.php?type=calculator&id=00366

tioll later <3

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

monster mash!

well i have been hard at work! i got 87 wc today! and its paying off i cut willows a heck of a lot faster. so i did some research into my xp/ hour!

all the xp totals r the remander tilll lvl up:

9:50 387,979
10:00 381,769
10:10 374,681
10:20 368,876
10:30 361,316
10:40 354,971
10:50 348,491

makes a total of 39,488xp for the hour, which not to bad!

but i have bad news about the race, not onluy does phil get 100/day he gets more! well as much as he can, this is putting me off, as he is edging closer and closer to 90! i must work harder!

Monday, December 1, 2008

i got this!

well hello

its official! its on! i wont fail!

rofl no!

well im on holiday! aw yea, and i've accepted Philosophies challenge to race to 99 wc. little did i know that he is one dedicated f***er, the thing is i get 100k/day and he also gets 100k/day so the only possible way to beat him is to make my daily xp to either get alot more! OR surender?

but as a spartan we are taught to neither surrender or retreat, so im stuck to having to work super hard! which sshould be easy as my gf is goin away for most of the holis! so ill have plenty of time :)

heres the lvl updates wc is now 86, cook and fish r 57 and i bothered to get crafting to 14 :o

thats all folks!