Friday, February 27, 2009

bye bye mr ent!

well the update came... seems to be more benfitial, though the fact my broken axe i purposly never fixxed magically fixxed itself :S. jagex mustnt have wanted another rare items scheme. bunch of spastics they are >_>

but i got my first one. a idiotic beekeeper asked me to put a bee house together... since it is his choosen trade i honestly dispise im for wasting my woodcutting time...

but with the wood kill i stand 500k away from 96 as im writing this textual messages on this site :o

but willows are pro, no joke they are fast, easy to find a empty place for and have absolutly no chance of ever being sold... even if i have 71k of the things, they may have to rot or be burnt. since i really can not be fucked lighting them up, rot seems the logical choice.

well thats seems to be it,

have a great weekend all, and seatle, you stay classy ;)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Show Me What Your Working With!

well hello :o


moving on....

school is back on (Y) love at last :S, spose its good because the mates are there. been invited to a few outings as well thinking about going to one this weekend, which i guess i could concider since i.... finally.... got....

95 mother fucking woodcutting

*fireworks etc.*

click to see bigger!

took some time!
but i did it :) this was great... to bad the guy in the pic is not caring about me leveling up! oh well i sure owned him.

but combat training is steady, i informed tiz i wont be doin much as i really would like my 99 asap :P, but i managed to get 2 levels on the weekend: 75 hitpoints and 77 strength. i plan to just train strength until lvl 99 then some serious bounty hunting! no joke mate.

other wise its the same old same old.

till next time....