Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Modern Warfare 2!

well in recent gaming news the most antisipated sequal game has been released and boy does i stack up to its exspectations! Though i haven't finished the campaign yet, i am shocked about what was uncovered in an assualt against a well fortified prision. though im not up for revealing just what that suprise is, i'd like to add that the game is really good and would suggest in you investing in it!

I haven't played much online play yet but the hour i put aside to do, i was further amazed by the fact my game didn't have red connection. I realized that the searcher looks for the best games, unlike its former, Call Of Duty 4 which put you in a quick game, getting green if you were lukcy. But finding a green game every time, i'll take that thank you!

well thats all for now, i may be back later

Trailer for the game.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Well it been a while, so i figured i might do something worthwhile with this site.

so i figured hey, why not make a post. Good idea matt, Yes indeed it is!

so here we go!
School is alright maths is killing me with all this derivatives junk and physics is plain old retarded! we recently did a assessment practical which we have to write an EEI on (EEI= Extended Experimental Investigation) its not hard just time consuming and now i realize i have to add the EPE rule so kx squared, i cant rememebr the x value since i threw the elastic out (FAIL!) moving on, i played runescape the other day, complete fluke. An event was scheduled for 8:30 pm and i got onto the blessings website at 8:30 and was like SHIT YEA! Jumped onto RS join the cc and was like Tiz man is there an event on nowish? get a yes! kind of excited me so i woodcutted while waiting for the other to get ready. i realized why i enjoyed woodcutting so much as a skill. The idiots that do it as well! and i was in the mood for annoying people so off i went managing to gte attacked by all 30 people woodcutting (most of them being levels below myself) then i started to attack the lvl 125 who wasn't even doing anything just being a show up. soon after the clan was ready and i headed off to the clan wars arena. Now the story gets alot better, after joinging some clan that completly mopped the floor with us, i managed to be on the better of a 4 v 1 (my team haveing four people and the other 1) so i walked over to the prision where all the dead players were and started teasing the higher levels, and i was shutting them down so much. And then it got to the point were i was asked nicely by the clan leader to stop it, But a person in the clan decided i had to go, so he repetitivly spammed Kick Atrey, and i didnt like this, not one bit at alll! so i continued the night by teasing him and running towards him while i was being piled so they would break off me and kill him. then i left and played some cod 4 on my xbox! while goign to bed atg the respectable time of 12 o'clock!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

96 WHAT!

Well it's the 2nd of June, the day before my birthday! sweet 16! gonna get bombed this weekend boys!

i meant to get the 96 last weekend but something came up...

so here it is!

unfortunatly i fail at print screen buttons..... so i missed the epic message!

so i took another shot of it!

i would like to thank my friend Drift 1, i met him while i was woodcutting and used to be many levels ahead of him! but now he pwns me bad! And if your reading this, cheers man it means heaps to me!

and noodlebrainz who unfortunatly was there but i brb'ed and he afk'ed until he logged out. and i decided to take the shot without him. but thanks anyway man!

Onto IRL things, im quite poor atm since im spending alot of money on alcohol and stuff for the xbox. Which leads me to my new problem! Call Of Duty 4 its the new halo! But in halo ive found new ways to take epic pictures! heres one.


and one day i will win recon!

But one of these days i plan to make my triumphant return to Runescape as a better player and that bloody 99!

but untill then, I'll be catching you later.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Gratz noodlebrainz!

today i logged on to congrqadulate a friend....


as you can see he has plenty of them :)
the man is noodlebrainz and he got 99 woodcutting on the 21st of march 2009, i met him while i was also woodcutting myself... this event has made me want to get my 99 in the same skill, so i may be on more often then i am now, but exams are a coming. means holiday time.... yeha!

onto other news
blessings is 2! i missed the event due to something irl coming up but i heard it was a blast! so heres to the blessings clan! in the future may we see more of this epic-nesss

Friday, February 27, 2009

bye bye mr ent!

well the update came... seems to be more benfitial, though the fact my broken axe i purposly never fixxed magically fixxed itself :S. jagex mustnt have wanted another rare items scheme. bunch of spastics they are >_>

but i got my first one. a idiotic beekeeper asked me to put a bee house together... since it is his choosen trade i honestly dispise im for wasting my woodcutting time...

but with the wood kill i stand 500k away from 96 as im writing this textual messages on this site :o

but willows are pro, no joke they are fast, easy to find a empty place for and have absolutly no chance of ever being sold... even if i have 71k of the things, they may have to rot or be burnt. since i really can not be fucked lighting them up, rot seems the logical choice.

well thats seems to be it,

have a great weekend all, and seatle, you stay classy ;)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Show Me What Your Working With!

well hello :o


moving on....

school is back on (Y) love at last :S, spose its good because the mates are there. been invited to a few outings as well thinking about going to one this weekend, which i guess i could concider since i.... finally.... got....

95 mother fucking woodcutting

*fireworks etc.*

click to see bigger!

took some time!
but i did it :) this was great... to bad the guy in the pic is not caring about me leveling up! oh well i sure owned him.

but combat training is steady, i informed tiz i wont be doin much as i really would like my 99 asap :P, but i managed to get 2 levels on the weekend: 75 hitpoints and 77 strength. i plan to just train strength until lvl 99 then some serious bounty hunting! no joke mate.

other wise its the same old same old.

till next time....

Friday, January 23, 2009

sorry to an ispiration!

this here is for tim, the post i deleted was out of context, now that i have thought apon the matter, i lable you as a good friend. the term drop kick is a harsh term to call someone of your stature. even though the ground on which we stand is starting to shake id just like to apologise for everything. and to tiz! keep tim as a close friend, people like him arn't found often. but the demolishion of blessings lays in the hands of all those! banding together can bring our tattered society together. but if we continue to oppose each other and blame people out of sheer lack of determination and critisise everyone. that does not make you better person. runescape is made for recreational purposes! if you see it as alot more. quit now! because being an ass will not make you liked, possible the reason you criticise people in game!

once again im sorry to tim! i hope u accept my sincere apolgie

Friday, January 9, 2009

9 days in!

over the last 9 days i have been reading blogs and have noticed people have been setting goals for themselves, so i thought i woudl set myself one as well.

- get 99 woodcuting!

- 80 attack and defence!

- another 99 (unknown skill yet)

- get all trainable stats to over lvl 50! even runecrafting.

- own a partyhat/halloween mask or a santa hat.

the 99 woodcutting is mainly because it's my favourite skill and how i pay for things :), but 1 hastle with it is finding a yew place that has no one. aa very hard task if ur f2p!

80 attack and defence is mainly as they will insure all melee weapons and armour are wearable when or if i become p2p!

now with the other 99 i m thinking either of these 4! firemakins, cooking, fishing or strength. firemaking as i have alot of logs to burn due to my woodcutting, thought i only have 56k and im cutting yews till 99! so more chopping will be needed :). but the fishing, cooking and strength can be trained at the same time. as red spiders are close to the fishing point at barbarian village! so when i kill the spiders i can train strength, and when the food runs out i will fish more and then cook them! easy enough!

lvl 50 in all trainable skills getting 50 runecrafting means i can see this guild that is a lot of boringness! but it shouldnt be too hard to do :P

now i have dreamt of owning a holiday head piece for sometime! so alot of saving must be done to accomplish this target!

thats all for now!

onwards to 99 woodcutting and hope u all have a good year!